Congratulations to Dominic for the publication of his paper Equivalent Shock-Associated Noise Source Reconstruction of Screeching Underexpanded Unheated Round Jets in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal. This is the second of a two-part paper (the original paper we submitted was so long the journal asked us to split[…]
Paper Published: Signatures of shear-layer unsteadiness in proper orthogonal decomposition
Congratulations to Joel for the publication of his paper Signatures of shear-layer unsteadiness in proper orthogonal decomposition in Experiments in Fluids. This paper addresses what has been a long-standing personal bugbear of mine: We use Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to produce reduced-order models of resonant flows, and it performs this task admirably.[…]
Paper Published: Correlation Analysis of High-Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry Data of Screeching Jets
Congratulations to Dominic for the publication of his paper Correlation Analysis of High-Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry Data of Screeching Jets in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal. This is the first of a two-part paper (the original paper we submitted was so long the journal asked us to split[…]
Paper Published: How development happens: Safe and sustainable energy, community development projects, and implementation challenges in Timor‐Leste
Working with colleagues in anthropology, and former student Jotham Lay, we published an a posteriori analysis of our attempt to install solar panels in Timor Leste. The paper is titled: How development happens: Safe and sustainable energy, community development projects, and implementation challenges in Timor‐Leste, and is published in Annals[…]
Paper Published: Upstream-travelling acoustic jet modes as a closure mechanism for screech
Working together with colleagues Vincent Jaunet and Peter Jordan at Institut P’ in Poitiers, and Aaron Towne at Stanford, we produced experimental evidence that the upstream-travelling component of jet screech is a neutral acoustic mode of the jet itself. This is the first experimental confirmation of a theory proposed almost[…]
Paper Published: An experimental investigation of coupled underexpanded supersonic twin-jets
Congratulations to Graham for the publication of his paper An experimental investigation of coupled underexpanded supersonic twin-jets in Experiments in Fluids. This paper presents a rigorous study of the hydrodynamic field of twin supersonic jets using Particle Image Velocimetry. They are the highest resolution velocity measurements performed in an underexpanded twin-jet[…]
Paper Published: Coupling Modes of an Underexpanded Twin Axisymmetric Jet
Congratulations to Tom (with help from Graham and Marcus) for publication of his paper Coupling Modes of an Underexpanded Twin Axisymmetric Jet in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal. This paper extends work performed by Corey Leb as an undergraduate student, with Tom adding significant new data and analysis[…]
Paper Published: A Novel Method for Investigating Broadband Velocity Fluctuations in Axisymmetric Screeching Jets
Congratulations to Dominic, for the publication of his paper, A Novel Method for Investigating Broadband Velocity Fluctuations in Axisymmetric Screeching Jets in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal. This paper presents a method whereby Proper Orthogonal Decomposition can be used to decouple the fluctuations associated with screech, from the fluctuations[…]
Paper Published: An explanation for the phase lag in supersonic jet impingement
Congratulations to Joel, for the publication of his paper, An explanation for the phase lag in supersonic jet impingement in the prestigious Journal of Fluid Mechanics. This paper is the culmination of several years of work by Joel, using a combination of ultra-high speed schlieren and high-resolution Particle Image Velocimetry. Joel first[…]
Paper Published: Revealing pMDI Spray Initial Conditions: Flashing, Atomisation and the Effect of Ethanol
Congratulations to Nick, for the publication of his paper, Revealing pMDI Spray Initial Conditions: Flashing, Atomisation and the Effect of Ethanol in the journal Pharmaceutical Research. This is the result of our second visit to Argonne National Laboratories, using the synchrotron at the Advanced Photon Source. In this paper, we[…]